Revised: 30 July 2019 - Design and Content © Bernard Veasey 1996-2022 - All rights reserved.
If you are looking for an easy to use database program, 'DataWay' is for you. Its main features are: A Search and Sort facility - including a 'Surname' sort. Easy export and transfer of data — to Ovation Pro in a format that its 'Auto-linked' frames or 'Mail- Merge' facilities can understand. — to Impression Publisher in a format that its 'Framethrow' or 'Mail- Merge' facilities can understand. — in CSV or TEXT files. Selected fields can be exported. 'Searched for' or 'All' records can be exported. A Record or Field can be easily dragged out of 'DataWay'. An Internet Web Address field can be easily sent to !Browse or !Fresco. An Email address field can be actioned. A RISC OS filer object(s) can be accessed or run from a record. A Phone Number field can be tone dialled. A Post Code field can be sent to RiscOSM to open a map of its position. Imports CSV files. Merging of 'DataWay' files.
GIFTWARE PROGRAMS are not public domain. Giftware means that if you use the program regularly you are asked to send the author a 'gift' (details in each application's !Help file) - By sending a gift, your support helps to provide updates to these programs and an incentive for other RISC OS software to be developed. On-Line Secure Donation available.