Revised: 22 Feb 2024 - Design and Content © 2014-2024 Bernard Veasey - All rights reserved.
NetRadio for RISC OS is a front-end to play Internet Radio Stations using MPlayer. The user can store a collection of Internet radio stations in a list and choose the desired one to play. The user can also create a graphic logo to go with each radio station.
GIFTWARE PROGRAMS are not public domain. Giftware means that if you use the program regularly you are asked to send the author a 'gift' (details in each application's !Help file) - By sending a gift, your support helps to provide updates to these programs and an incentive for other RISC OS software to be developed. On-Line Secure Donation available.
You will also need to download and install the RISC OS port of MPlayer if you don’t already have it on your computer.


Play Internet Radio. Provides a user defined list of radio stations. The Radio Station List can be sorted or objects can be moved to a new position in the list. Save a Radio Stream as a 16/24/32-bit WAV file. Sound can be muted. Play MP3, FLAC and 16/24/32-bit WAV files. See !NetRadio.Changes for full list of version changes...